Chorus Contest of Revolutionary Songs
In order to cultivate students’ spirit of patriotism and collectivism, encourage them to remember history, forge ahead and create a harmonious, progressive, healthy and civilized campus cultural atomsphere, on 24th December, Anqing Foreign Language School held a chorus competition of revolutionary songs in the eighth grade.
To be specific, the competition was held in the School Lecture Hall. The chorus of each class was alive with singing and rejoicing. Students, who were full of spirit in high morale, sang loudly without constraint, both brilliant in voice and affection. The melodious revolutionary songs not only brought us splendid audio-visual enjoyment, but also let the audience’s thoughts flutter, whose patriotism and dream of a strong nation flowed through the heart. Thus, the audience burst into applause every now and then.
To conclude, this grand event offered all the teachers and students a vivid patriotism education class, which not only inspired students’ strong love towards the great motherland, but also enhanced everyone’s team spirit and sense of group honor, demonstrating the positive spirituality of Anqing Foreign Language School’s faculty members as well as their praise and blessings of the motherland.






